Tuesday, 23 September 2014

How to extract files (documents) embedded in a Word Document

1. Ensure that the Word Document (source) is in docx format. You may need to do a “Save As …” to get this.
2. Change the name of Document to replace the .docx with .zip
3. Open (Unpack) the Zip archive - in this you will find a folder (path “documentname>word>embeddings”) which contains the embedded files. They do not have the original names but are grouped by file type in then in the order which they appear in the source document.

You will need recent (post 2007) version of MS Word to do this.
in step 3, most modern systems will open the zip archive when you double click. You may need to use a utility programme (e.g. on Windows, winzip, which is free) to do this.
A similar procedure should also work on tablets, using a file management app and a zip app (again winzip e.g. is available for iOS and Android). I’ve not tried this out yet, but I think it will be a bit more fiddly than on the desktop computer.